How to Run the BEST Team Meetings, Without Boring Your Team

Raise your hand if you’ve experienced meetings that were a waste of time.

Raise your hand if you’ve experienced the chaos that happens without meetings.

Meetings – they are necessary, but only useful when done right.

At some of my previous jobs, there weren’t any meetings in place. There was mass confusion and it made our team’s target unimaginable. This is why many of businesses and teams fail. They don’t share everything collectively or work together toward a common known goal.

At Swift Kick, we have several different types of meetings that take place, consistently. Each work day we have at least one team meeting. We all sit down and discuss our goals and targets for the upcoming days and months. Hiring something like the professional Meeting Rooms In Basingstoke From Be Offices will make a lasting positive impression on those involved in the meeting. Here is a behind the scenes look into how Swift Kick structures its meetings, based very much on the Rockefeller Habits!

The Daily

The daily meeting takes place on every business day, except Tuesday. (Tuesday we have a different meeting planned, see below). The daily meeting typically lasts anywhere from 10-30 minutes.

Brainstorm Challenge

We start off with a two-minute brainstorm challenge about anything we want in order to get our brains thinking so that we can be most productive.

Big Win

Next, we each share our big win from the past 24 hours that we’re most proud of. Positive affirmations are a great way to kick-start a meeting!

Done/Not Done

We then go into the Done/Not-Done section, where we state whether we got our “daily rock” task from yesterday completed or not.


Blockers are anything that is giving us trouble that we need to ask help from the team to resolve. This gives everyone the opportunity to share any problems or brainstorms we have that are preventing us from moving forward.

Daily Rock

We each pick a “daily rock,” or goal for that day. If nothing else gets done, we each commit to getting this one task completed. Tomorrow, the team will check this off in the done/not-done section.

Parking Lot

A parking lot is where we can call out anyone that we need to speak with after the meeting is over. This gives an opportunity to clear up pieces with the team or projects we have, without taking up more Daily Meeting Time.


We then spend one minute to list five things privately in which we are grateful for that day.

Team Quote

Finally, we finish up with a random quote pulled from our team’s quotes board to end on a funny note!

The Weekly

The weekly meeting is basically the daily meeting on steroids. This meeting takes place every Tuesday, and it typically lasts an hour. This meeting is set up to review the tasks we completed for this week, and to get our tasks for the new week figured out.

Good News Tangent

Firstly, we all share a piece of non-work related good news to open things up and bond as Swift Kick family.

Done/Not Done

Each member shares whether they completed, or not, each of the rocks they were assigned that week.

The Numbers

Next, we review everyone’s key metrics for the week to make sure we are tracking our progress.

Main Metric

We briefly check on our progress with the main metric we chose to measure for the whole quarter.


Next, we open the floor for anyone to give a shout-out to a team member on their work/performance in the past week.

Project Notes

Here, each person shares their project highlights from the past week, so that we all know what each team member has been working on.

Hawt Topics

Next, we discuss what we call “hawt topics.” This is a space where we brainstorm, answer questions, and lay out any blockers that people may have.

Daily Rock

We each choose our top rock for the day, just like in the Daily Meeting.

Parking Lot

We set up any parking lots, just like the Daily Meeting.

Final Thoughts

We close with our quick final thoughts and feelings as we look toward the new week.

The Weekly 1:1

The weekly one-on-one meeting is one of the more beneficial meetings for me personally. The team manager who runs it asks the other person how they performed each of the company’s core values that week. This is also a chance for the manger to ask that person if they can help “raise the tide” to assist them with their work. Not only is this meeting a small performance review for the company, it also is a great opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you may have in a private setting. It’s the perfect opportunity to open up and get everything on the table.

The Quarterly

The quarterly meeting is a day-long retreat that takes place each quarter. Besides team bonding, we discuss and plan out the next three months. I’ve recently blogged about our last Quarterly Retreat, which you can read here.

As you could probably tell, we have a lot of different meetings at Swift Kick, but for good reason! All of these meetings are extremely beneficial for planning, staying on task and keeping the lines of communication open. Without these meetings, the team would be lost. I can tell you from previous experience that without communication, there’s just absolute chaos!

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