NOW OFFERING: Virtual Leadership Programs

Virtual Programs by SwiftKick

Virtual Leadership Programs - Swift Kick

You may have noticed that life as we know it has changed entirely for the time being. Most of us are working from home, balancing hour-long grocery store lines, watching and teaching our children, all on top of a full time job, if we are that lucky to still have our job. All colleges are “online universities” now.  “Student Engagement” as we understood it – events and clubs, etc- is turned completely upside down. Not to mention, the daily news cycle is scary, traumatic, and overwhelming.

We wanted to create a way for students to still get that extra-curricular learning we are so passionate about. Maybe it’ll help ease the pain of leaving campus without a real goodbye.

We are now offering highly engaging Virtual Leadership Programs to help create a Culture of Connection™ with your student leaders. These programs will ultimately lead to increased engagement, retention, and productivity. Self-isolation doesn’t have to be isolating!

Our virtual programs cover a wide range of topics that will teach important skills via Zoom to Orientation Leaders, RAs, Panhellenic Societies, and Student Leaders of any kind. The interactive programs run from 1-4 hours and are led by one of our Swift Kick facilitators.

Interested? Contact us for more information and to lock in your date!

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