Random Acts of Kindness You Can Do Anywhere

T-9 days until Random Acts of Kindness Day, and we can’t wait! We know it can be tough to think of new ways to be kind to people. To help you plan your R.A.K.s, here’s a list of things you can do…anywhere!

Kindness for your team:

  • Leave compliments for each team member to find before your next meeting
  • Treat them to a meal
  • Have a big brainstorm session coming up? Brings them snack to share
  • Offer to help a team member with an upcoming project
  • Use social media to shout out your team

Kindness for your family:

  • Surprise your family with breakfast or by doing extra chores around the house before they wake up in the morning
  • Drive younger siblings around
  • Designate an “no electronics” rule and host a game night instead
  • Put post-it notes around the house reminding everyone how awesome they are

Kindness for your neighbors:

  • Volunteer to babysit your neighbor’s children
  • Leave a plate of cookies with a note complimenting them
  • Spend time/help the elderly with chores
  • Volunteer to walk neighbor’s dogs
  • Going to get coffee with a friend? Pick up the tab

Kindness for your community:

  • Hold the door open for 5 people everywhere you go
  • Leave notes of positivity in library books or on community posting boards
  • Tape an envelope to a vending machine with $1 and a note inside for the next person
  • Pay for the coffee for the person behind you in line
  • Donate old clothes
  • Volunteer at a food pantry
  • Donate dog/cat food to a local animal shelter
  • Pick up and throw away trash that someone left behind

No matter what you decide to do, remember that #HumansNeedHumans. Go forth and RAK!

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