Dee Reflects on Her Internship at Swift Kick Through Poetry

Goodbyes are always bittersweet, but I have so many great memories with Swift Kick that I won’t be sad for long. I officially joined this team in January after seeing Swift Kick for the second time at a conference. I applied  as soon as I knew there was a position available. I’ve learned so much in just six months. I’m taking a brand new leadership style back home with me. Many of Swift Kick’s inventive and productive methods have stuck with me. (So much so that I’m secretly hoping people will recognize I’m a product of Swift Kick if they’ve ever interacted with SK before!).

On top of that (and most importantly!), I’ve also made some incredible connections with a team that’s been welcoming, kind, hilarious, and on their best game since day one. That’s definitely what’s been most meaningful for me these last few months. In truest Dee form, I thought I’d write some poetry as a dedication to each of your brilliance.

These acrostics are more little love notes than real poems, but I hope y’all won’t mind. 🙂

Just seeing you through our computers doesn’t mean you didn’t powerfully impact me

Always ahead of the game, you know the perfect questions to ask in every situation

You have shown me how to be silly and get the job done at the same time

Selfless and sincere, you have taught me more than you’ll ever know

Authentic and accepting, you are a role model and an inspiration

Be sure to keep your wedding updates coming my way!

To date, I have never met someone more driven, focused, or knowledgeable

Only you could fearlessly share such a meaningful message with the world

My future is brighter because of your mentorship

Maybe you already know this, but you’ve made me much more courageous

Everyone would benefit from a day with you, your sarcasm, and your insight

Like a bolt of lightning, you are a fierce force to be reckoned with

Since the first day we met, you’ve been a beam of sunshine

Anything you set your mind to gets done with passion and creativity

My time at Swift Kick was especially lovely because I got to share it with you!

I loved having you as my big sister intern

Thank you all for a wonderful run as a Swift Kick intern!

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