Facebook Passing on the Niche Markets

On July 17th, Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, was interviewed by Time Magazine in an article titled, “The Future of Facebook.” The last line of Mark’s answer to this question was most interesting to me:

Then on July 25th Facebook posted this blog** in their developer’s corner:

Education should deliver relevant connections** to new people, ideas, topics, and experiences. Facebook seems to want to focus on helping people maintain the relationships they already have.  In short, they are leaving education up to outside developers.

Strategically, it is smart for them to remain a neutral whiteboard for everyone. This allows the developers to thrive in their passions and expertise, using the applications platform** to meet every niche along the long tail.

In terms of Red Rover, this puts us in a great position to help define the educational niche of Facebook and eventually Myspace when it creates its application platform.

** Link Broken as of May/2020

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