New Intern Ryan Lingle Striving for New Human Heights

It was super sad to say goodbye to interns Dee and Sami. But not all is lost! Why?

Because we are super pumped to welcome our newest intern, Ryan Lingle, to the Swift Kick team.

Ryan is a rising senior at Penn State Dubois. He is majoring in I.S.T. He loves pizza and baby blue. Oh, and he’s tons of fun.

We asked him for 3 fun facts, and he provided! Check out his answers below.

1. I once had a cat named Speedo.

2. Since I turned 16, I have worked at 11 different jobs (including this one).

3. I love building computers in my spare time and have built 10 computers from scratch (2 of my own, 8 were my friends’).

And a BONUS 4th fun fact: I’m currently pursuing two ‘businesses,’ if you will.

First off, my college roommate and I have our own computer service business we do on the side.

Secondly, a year ago I started New Human Heights which is a ‘business’ focused on three life attributes: self-love, self-worth, and letting go. Recently, my best friend has joined my side. We are continuously taking steps so that we can chase after our dream of helping individuals obtain their ultimate heights in life!

Already, Ryan has made us so proud as our newest team member. Say hi to him in the comments!

Want to know how his first Quarterly Retreat went? Stay tuned for a new blog post all about it, next week.

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