An Interview with Two Graduating Seniors

Graduating – The day comes sooner than you think. You blink, and suddenly the summer chaos that is your first day of college now becomes your last semester before walking the stage. You are finishing up your last classes of undergrad and everything is becoming so very real.


Two incredible student leaders are finishing up their last semesters and I have had the pleasure of calling them my best friends, Tameka and Dave. They are both graduating in the winter and within weeks of completing their bachelor’s degree. Here was our interview:

Jake: What are you most excited for after graduation?

Dave: I loved my time at BSU, but I feel like I’m ready for the next step of my life. I’m excited for that.

Tameka: I came into college with a plan, and it’s just so different and exciting that it’s changed.

Jake: What are you going to miss most about BSU?

Tameka: The people.

Dave: The people.

Jake: What’s one thing you wish you did during your undergrad?

Dave: Ran for Sage (Chapter President of Sigma Pi Fraternity).

Tameka: Become more in tune with my own heritage and culture to interact with people here.

Jake: What was the toughest class you had to take, either in or out of your major?

Tameka: Intro to Analysis. Math 401 was the death of me.

Dave: Law and the Judicial Process. It was a Poli Sci class and I felt like I learned so much.

Jake: Who was your favorite professor and why?

Dave: Professor Librett because he was a cop for 30 years and then went to get his doctorate in Criminal Justice. It’s rare to see an academic and a long time professional in that field. He’s considered an expert on Police Culture.

Tameka: Irena Schwerterin told me I was going to fail. It was her mistake because that made me work so much harder for my goals. I knew I was more than capable of succeeding as a Math major. It was my best semester.

Jake: What was your favorite meal at Bridgewater?

Tameka: Hamburger, fries, pasta, and salad from ECC.

Dave: Bears Den Steak and Cheese is pretty lit.

Jake: What was your favorite involvement?

Dave: Sigma Pi Fraternity International, Eta Eta Chapter. It gave me brothers and my best memories at Bridgewater State University.

Tameka: Working in the Disability Resource Office or being a sister in Alpha Sigma Tau, I can’t decide between the two.


Dave and Tameka were both some of the most impactful student leaders in the past couple of years at Bridgewater State University. Between their leadership in Greek Life and Orientation, they were outstanding role models.

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