5 Ways to Use Your Community to Get Unstuck

Fun fact: I was supposed to write this blog post over 2 hours ago. Whoops. I found myself stuck on social media, with NO idea what to write about anyway. My head was definitely going to explode. Ever sit down to work and realize you’ve been guilty of Facebook surfing for the last half an hour? How did that even happen? Why are you even on Facebook in the first place? Yeah, that’s me.

I looked over at Swift Kick speaker Melissa and complained to her how unproductive and stuck I was. She said to me, “There’s your post right there, using your community and surroundings to get unstuck.”

So without further ado, Melissa’s idea in action.

Talk to a friend!

A friend can get your mind out of the rut it is in just with small talk. Plus, you’ll be happier, which will help your brain start thinking again with the optimistic idea that you can get stuff done. Your friend can also help you brainstorm ways to solve your problem. 

Get up and move.

Interact with your surroundings. Go for a walk. Get inspired by something other than your cubicle in the library or your laptop screen. Get your blood pumping.

Change your process.

I find that sometimes all I need to go from 0 to 10 ideas is a dry erase marker and a blank board. If I stayed at my desk, nothing would get done. Sometimes, you really need to change your position, change the medium you are working on, and change your perspective. Don’t keep sitting in the same place hoping inspiration will strike.

Help someone else.

One time, a friend of mine gave me some huge assistance with mailing way too many boxes because he was happy to take a break from the mental space he had been stuck in all day. Not only did I benefit from his generosity, he was able to come back to his problem with new eyes later on. Go help someone with their work, and you may find the solution just needed time to sort itself out in your mind, without your active focus.

Tidy up.

It’s hard to focus if your space is a mess, if you’re anything like me. No matter where you are, I bet you could find a bookshelf, desk, or corner that could use a little tidying. Throw out some garbage, organize some books. Make your space and your community happier and more comfortable for everyone, and then get back to work feeling productive.

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