6 Ways to Stop Being Stressed

Some days when I am stressed, I try my best to figure out different, but fun, ways to de-stress. One of my personal favorite things to do is sit under a tree or by the KU alumni fountain. I find it so peaceful to be outside, taking in the fresh air.

We are already a few (or more) weeks into the semester. Most of us are college students who not only have classes, but are involved in a million activities and/or clubs.

I found a few websites that had good tips to share. So, grab some hot tea, put on relaxing music, and relax away 🙂

Get enough sleep, Eat Well, and Get Some Exercise!

Getting enough sleep is tough to do, but manageable.

It is not worth pulling the all-nighter before an exam. I have tried it many times; my results were not so hot. Some people can do it, but most cannot. I recommend studying for an hour before you go to bed, then 30 minutes before you go to class. If you are awesome and have great balance, walk and read! Take that book to go with you along with that hot cup of coffee. If you regularly struggle to get enough sleep, then you might want to do some research into how cannabis can help you to drift off. Before you buy weed online though, make sure to do some research and check that cannabis is legal where you are! I know a lot of people who smoke marijuana as a way to help them relax and de-stress. It can also help with insomnia, so if you are struggling to get some sleep, marijuana might be a good option for you. No one wants to sit an exam after a bad night’s sleep, after all! One of my friends has insomnia, and she swears by it! I don’t know much about weed, but if you Click here you can learn more.

Eat Well. Haha, is this a joke?

Nope, no it is not. A lot of students complain that their campuses do not have healthy food. I am here to tell you that most of the time this is not true. Most campuses do have healthy food for you to eat, you are just not looking hard enough. Everyone sees that greasy pizza and think, “mmmmm, quick and easy”. WRONG! Well, actually right, but who wants that? Why not reach out and grab that delicious sandwich? Here are some yummy ideas.

Get Moving!

Personally, I am not one who exercises much, but when I feel overwhelmed and stressed, I like to go out for a walk. Sometimes I bring a friend, other times I take my music and try not to think.

Get emotional support, don’t give up your passion, and try not to overload yourself.

Emotional support is extremely important.

Adjusting to college can be difficult. So, venting your frustrations to a trusted friend can go a long way in fighting stress.

Don’t give up your passions.

Your schedule may be filled with lectures and study groups, but try to find at least a couple of hours each week to pursue a hobby or other activity that you enjoy.

Overloading yourself is no good.

Between classes, extracurricular groups, and maybe even a job, it’s easy for students to take on more than they can handle. If you’ve signed up for an excessive number of courses, don’t be afraid to drop one. Remember that you can always say no when you’re asked to organize the Latin Club’s annual yard sale.

Until next time, Have a great day!

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