Stop Marketing and Start Engaging

Stop Marketing and Start Engaging

Yesterday I spent some time at Carnegie Mellon University visiting a former Swift Kick intern. As we walked through their beautiful University Center, I noticed many campus clubs with tables set up trying to solicit students to join their group. Every table was covered with reading material and a bowl of candy to entice students to come closer. My mom taught me when I was really little to never go towards a stranger handing out candy :-). We also passed several bulletin boards littered with posters for upcoming events. It all reminded me of an advertisement I saw for a marketing class I was invited to attend…

“If you market it, they will come.”

I don’t agree. Both in business and for student groups. I prefer this slogan…

“Show not tell.”

Instead of an info table for your organization, set up an interesting or creative activity related to your topic, in a place with high foot traffic. You’ll get a 1000x times more curious onlookers by showing what you do, verses telling people what you do. If nothing else, you’ll have spent your time doing something, verses just talking about it from behind a table.

Let’s stop marketing to prospective members and start engaging them.

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