Search Results for: blender events

Blender Events

Blender Events

BLENDER DIRECTORY Blender Events (BEs) are simple, low cost activities that create pattern interrupts and/or build relationships to increase a sense of community within a

Blender Events Brainstorming List

Blender Events Brainstorming List

If you follow our blog, you probably noticed we started a new segment called ‘Blender Events‘ where we highlight possible Blender Events student leaders could run

Sign Sabotage… [BLENDER EVENT]

While at University of Connecticut the other day, I came across the Sparta sign below, and it got me thinking about a new Blender Event


Walls are usually a boring addition to buildings. However, with the right creative idea, walls can turn into something so much more. Artist, Candy Chang,

Creating a Journey

Creating a Journey [BLENDER EVENT]

Car-Class-Car students are a known thing on commuter college campuses. Meaning, they go from their car, to their class, and back to their car again.

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